The Sound Of Animals Fighting - The Heraldic Beak Of The Manufacturers Chords & Tabs


The Heraldic Beak Of The Manufacturers Chords & Tabs

The Sound Of Animals Fighting Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

The Heraldic Beak Of The Manufacturers Tab

The Sound Of Animals Fighting: The Heraldic Beak Of The Manufacturers Medallion

Tabbed by Krallox

Standard Tuning

4x ----------------------------------------------------------------|

4x ----------------------------------------------------------------|

4x ----------------------------------------------------------------|

4x ----------------------------------------------------------------|






2x --------------------------------------------2---------4h0-------|


4x ------------------------------------------------------------------------|

(Part 2)



[ Tab from: ]




Mini Solo


There's a hidden second guitar in this riff if you can't hear it... ;D



I'm not to sure about these chords below, but they will give you an idea of what they 
like.  If you can make a better sounding chord than these, go ahead and improvise.
On the third chord, do your best to refrain from striking the high E.




   ---6--4-2-1-2-    3x---6--4-4-1-2--6--4-1--2--|
   -7------------      --------------------------|
   --------------      --------------------------|
   --------------      --------------------------|
   --------------      --------------------------|
   --------------      --------------------------|






4x ------------------------------------------------------------------------|

The rest is bass picking and other music.  If there are any mistakes please notify me so
can fix it.  :D