Mourning Beloveth - Angers Steaming Arrows Chords & Tabs


Angers Steaming Arrows Chords & Tabs

Mourning Beloveth Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Bass Tab

Angers Steaming Arrows Bass Tab


                       M O U R N I N G   B E L O V E T H


                  A N G E R 'S   S T E A M I N G   A R R O W S

                                THE SULLEN SULCUS
                           (c) Sentinel Records - 2002

                              Tune Down 1 & 1/2 Steps
                                    C# F# B E

                                  Tempo = 60 BPM
                               Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN

                                   Version 1.0


                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 |__3__|   -  Triplet Notes
 REST      -  Rest, and hold rest for duration of blank space

Riff 1: (Play 3 times)

||--E          ----------|-------------------|----------------------|
||--S          -2--3--2--|-------------------|--2----2----5----2----|





|-------------------| |
|--5----------------| |

On the repeats, replace bar 1 with the supplement:

        | Supplment |


On the last repeat, leave out the last bar.

Riff 2: (Play 2 times) Note that only the last bar of the riff is in 6/4 time

         |__3___|       |___3___|   |__3__|       |____3___|

[ Tab from: ]
        |__3___|       |___3___|

     |__3__|      |____3___| |______3_____|
| |---------------------------------R ---------------| |
|6|---------------------------------E ---------------|*|
|/|---------------5--5-5-5-5-5----5-S -5--5--5----5--|*|
|4|--7----3--0----------------------T ---------------| |

Riff 3: (Play 5 times)


        |__3__|                       |_______3______|
|-----------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|----------------3----3----3--|--1----1----1--1--1-1-1--1----3--| |

Riff 4: (Play twice) [Tempo = 50 BPM]

                 |_______3______|         |_______3_____| |___3___|

               |______3_______|          |______3______|  |__3__|
|--------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------3--|--3----3----3--------------------| |

Riff 5: (Play 6 times)

    |______3_____| |___3__|  |__3____|   |______3______|  |__3__|
||-------------------------------------|--------------------------------| |
||---------------------------------3-2-|--0----0--0----0----------------| |

Riff 6: (Play 4 times) [Tempo = 65 BPM]

||-------------------------|------------------------| |
||-------------------------|-----3--4----------4----| |

Play riff 2 twice [Tempo = 60 BPM]

Play riff 3 9 times, ending on the following:


Allow note to ring out.


Tab summary:        Riff 1 x 3
                    Riff 2 x 2
                    Riff 3 x 5
                    Riff 4 x 2
                    Riff 5 x 6
                    Riff 6 x 4
                    Riff 2 x 2
                    Riff 3 x 9
