Hot Butter - Popcorn Chords & Tabs


Popcorn Chords & Tabs

Hot Butter Chords & Tabs

Version: 1 Type: Tab

Popcorn Tab

Title: Popcorn
Artist(s): Hot Butter
Transcript: Tobbethespy (

This is most of the song... the popcorn sounds.
Play over and over.

*Listen to the song to get the rythm*

[ Tab from: ]
|-0---0----------     |-0-2--5-4-5-5-2-4-2-4-4-0-2-0---0-2-
|---0---0---0----     |------------------------------2-----
|---------0------     |------------------------------------
|-------------2--     |------------------------------------
|----------------     |------------------------------------
|----------------     |------------------------------------

If you found any errors or something and wants to correct
send me a mail: